Visit our sister church St. Paul Lutheran

Grace Lutheran Church

COVID 19 Update

How different life is from a week ago! As you have no doubt heard, we will not be able to hold public worship services, and so church is cancelled until further notice. Be assured, God is in control of this situation. He will get us through this, and even bless us through this!

The sermon from the March 18th midweek Lenten service Wednesday evening is available in PDF form on this site. And, now and in the next few weeks, you may also wish to read about Jesus’ passion in the four gospel accounts: Matthew 26, 27; Mark 14, 15; Luke 22, 23; and John 18, 19. I encourage you and your family to focus on your daily devotions at home. And we’d like to stay in touch with you through email: sermons, devotions, words of encouragement. Please email your address to Pastor Willitz at to be added to our list. You may also find us on Facebook. Watch for video options!

One question that has come up is: “How can we give our regular offerings?” St. Paul’s members may mail their offerings to our financial secretary, Michael Schuster, 138783 County Road L, Athens, WI 54411

At Grace members may mail their offerings to the church address: Grace Lutheran Church, 6720 County Road A, Wausau, WI 54401. Our regular, generous, first-fruit offerings are so precious for us to give in response to what our Savior has done for us, and so needed for the work of his Church!

The Lord bless all of you with his grace and assurance that in all things, even this challenging circumstance, he is working for your good.

Pastor Willitz

Friday, March 20, 2020 - 16:16